Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Lost-like bizarre aviation moments...

Just about to take off from here on vacation and had a thought. Does anyone else do this? When I sit down and get settled on the airplane, i take a look around and wonder if this would be the group of folks I'd crash-land on a deserted island with and be stuck fighting some damn locals or some shit. Or worse yet, get stuck on a rubber dinghy with, surrounded by shark-finned waves and wondering who we are gonna eat first.

For the most part, it never seems right...I mean, i'm looking for just the right blend of the strange and straight-laced to make it a pseudo-Lord of the Flies experience. Makes for an interesting perhaps an even more intriguing crash landing. I mean, if you're gonna go down, bring some fucked up folks with ya, i always say.

But hey, they say its safer than taking a car. Maybe I watch too much TV.