Monday, July 6, 2009

He Is Loosed Upon the Land...

Ah yes, the inaugural post; the infant testament of a deranged mind wandering loose and alone in his living room, waiting for just the right outlet to blurt out his selfish views on movies, music, life, love and just about anything else he feels pertinent to his day-to-day existence.

I guess somewhere along the line I felt I had something to say, or at the very least, felt the need to write some shit down that i would otherwise cram away thoughtlessly. And yes, before you put up that hand to ask, I am light-years behind. But i guess they all started somewhere.

So is it a journal? A blow-by-blow of my life? Mere incomprehensible ranting? Or simply a collection of things that rattle around in this twisted cranium of mine?

I think I'll go with: E. All of the above. Mostly though, this will be a platform (soapbox?) for my views, reviews, outlooks and general literary mayhem in regards to my primary love in life: movies - especially the oddities, the bizarre, the hairy and horrible, the art-house and shit-house, the left-behind and underappreciated.
