Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Coincidence, or "Revelations on Vacation"

I recently had a conversation with someone who was reading a book based on the premise that there is no such thing as a coincidence. Or, that perhaps we should look at coincidence differently than a simple random act of the universe. I think it was one of those Deepak Chopra-type deals - you know what I mean - the 'new age' spirituality genre that has exploded in the last ten-ish years or so, probably bolstered by a population increasingly sceptical about organized religion. I have nothing against this 'genre', but color me a little bit skeptical.

So, it is a little disconcerting to me that this notion of coincidence not being random has become increasingly prominent in my life as of late - maybe it's because I am starting to push into my 30's and I'm trying to grasp at some sort of feasible future now that I am mature enough to actually deal with the whole concept...or perhaps it's because, with that idea always in the back of my mind, that I simply notice it more often and let it really sink in. I mean think about it - look back at the moment that you met your significant other. Or, for that matter, lost one. Do you consider it coincidence? In that light, is loving another person simply a random coincidence? I bet most would look back at it and consider it an event simply integrated into their life arc.

Life does not seem to me to be random, at least not always. Things happen in a definable, linear way (think about an obituary - looking back on a life makes sense in this respect). There are small occurances that shape your entire future, and huge ones that don't seem to impact us on a larger scale, and vice versa.

It's like a Choose Your Own Adventure book. Recognize the coincidence and embrace it. I'm not saying there is some sort of over-lying pre-destiny, or that there is fate at play here - those that know me know I am deeply skeptical of all things 'spiritual' - but that by taking a moment to think about those happenings in your life you can really put things in perspective. And from there it is becoming easier for me to use moments of inspiration as way-points on this aforementioned linear life arc.

Coming 'round full circle, I guess there have been some epiphany-like times the last little while, and some real revelatory moments that in the past I either would not have noticed, or simply brushed off as blips on an otherwise straight-arrow existence. My vacation, and the context in which I left for it, has provided me with some time to reflect and also recognize some of these moments along the way. I sort of regret not taking more time to revel in these moments in my youth, as this is the real root of that familiar feeling of time flying by, especially through vacations or holidays or other such times.

Or...maybe you've read this and agree that I am just getting old and prone to these rather boring inner-reflections.

Or better yet, maybe you just happened upon this rant by coincidence...?