Friday, August 7, 2009

Documenting My Love Affair With 70's & 80's Trashy Movies

Anyone who knows me can attest to my love for cheesy, sleazy exploitation films from the 70's & 80's. There is just something insane and hilarious about the way filmmakers envisioned things back then, and how they went about putting these things on film. Anyway, I'm starting a list of things that almost always pop up in films from the era that I find either amazing, funny or just plain bizarre....or all of the above. They just do not make movies like those anymore.

1) Rampant Zoom Lens! - It seemed to be a favorite of the Italian schlock horror, usually characterized by a super-fast pull up to an actor's face or a close-up being yanked away to full frame. For what effect, I am still a little unsure, but any horror movie made in Europe pre-1985 inevitably has some amazing zoom shots. And when I say amazing, I mean...well...horrifically bad and awesome.

Check out the trailer for Fulci's House by the Cemetery below. Zoom everywhere! (NSFW, has a few gory moments)

Or this bad boy, Burial Ground (note the subtle spelling error at the beginning...i love this shit!):

And these are just the trailers! Love it.